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Divided Families Registration

If you know anyone who is a divided family member and wants to support our project to spread awareness, call to attention the urgency of the divided families issue, and to push for legislative action please encourage them to complete our registry form. The registry forms will be sent to local Congressmen and Ambassador Robert King, Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights Issues to bring to attention the immediacy of this problem and to push the United States government to address it.


Register, contact your representatives, and support this cause. Everything put into this form will remain confidential.


If you would like to register as a Divided Family member, please complete the registration form in either English or Korean and mail to:

c/o Mising Pieces Project

K.W. Lee Center for Leadership

3465 W. 8th Street, 2nd Floor 

Los Angeles, CA 90005

Contact Us:      

T: (213) 985-7451

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